Saturday, 7 March 2015

Meet the kids

The I've now been working according to my schedule for nearly a week so I thourght it was time to introduce you to some of the kids I work with in particular. Please note, the names used are not the children's real names. 

In the mornings I work at jubilee house. Jubilee is the newest house in Hyderabad-they moved here from a small village called Ongole where SCH stared on Saturday. Currently there are 12 girls but another 16 are coming up tomorrow! The girls range in age from about 10 to 24 years old with a range of difficulties. Fortunately some speak great English and are able to translate. I've also learnt some American Sign Language as many of the kids have little formal language skills so signing is a great way for some of them to communicate. Tomorrow I will be moving from my room in rescue home to one in jubilee, two doors down. There's much more space there so I'm looking forward to it. 

In the afternoons I work in courage home. I work with 3 different children for 40 minutes each then go downstairs to play with a group of little boys. 

First, I work with Dinah. Dinah is a sweet little girl who is always smiling. She has learning difficulties and has trouble focusing her eyes. At the moment we're working on sorting colours, learning parts of the body and giving herself a drink. She's a very sociable child and loves to listen to music and play games. I'm so excited to get to know her better.

The next child I work with is Brianna. Brianna is the baby of the house and is just so cute. She was born without eyes and hates touching anything. I spend my time doing sensory activities and reading to her. She screams for most of the session but music always calms her down. She also loves to be held and carried and will give go a lovely smile! Brianna is still in need of sponsors. If you would like to help, here's the link you need

The last child I work with is Molly. Molly has spastic cerebral palsy and has very little control over her body. She is a very bright and understands everything you say to her-or to other people, no such thing as a private conversation! She's a very funny young lady and loves playing with the toy kitchen. Today she pretended to cut off my fingers! We also read stories together. I downloaded a Paddington bear book wich she loves, much to my delight. She communicates her wishes very clearly once you get to know her but cannot speak. It would be great to get her using some sort of communication device so she can have more complex conversations. This picture is of Molly, covered in paint at the birthday party of one of the boys downstairs. His birthday happens to be just after holi so the party involved throwing lots of paint and water balloons, and cake of course. 

Finally, I go downstairs to play with some of the boys downstairs. They are typical little boys and when I'm not breaking up arguments about who gets to go on the bike next, I'm teaching them how to make paper planes. One of the boys, Andrew, also loves puzzles. He was so proud when we finished this one.

Andrew still needs sponsorship to cover his school fees.

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