Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Dear Molly

Dear Molly,

Happy birthday! I can't quite believe you're turning 9. It's not because I can't believe how old you are, in fact I often forget how young you are and think you are much older. It's more that it reminds me that time is passing. You are changing. I am sad that I'm not there to see that. Nikki and Tori keep me up to date with your progress. I know about the big things you achieve and get to see photos of you sometimes. What I miss is sharing the little things with you. I miss talking with you. I miss those conversations about completely ridiculous things which ended with us both laughing until our sides hurt. I miss seeing your smile when I walked through the door. I miss you telling me about school that day and hugging you goodbye in the evening. I know I am incredibly lucky to still be in contact with you. I get to skype you and hear about how you're doing but it's not the same. 

This year on your birthday I want you to know how many people care about you. People have donated to give you a voice, to hear your story. These people have seen you as a person before your disability. They understand how amazing you are. Most of these people have never met you and never will but they believe in you anyway. You are so special Mol, and so many people know that. I hope you know it too. 

Happy birthday Mol, I hope it was as amazing as you are.

Love Louise akka